How to kill a currently using port on localhost in windows?


Step 1
Run command-line as an Administrator. Then run the below mention command. type your port number in yourPortNumber
netstat -ano | findstr :yourPortNumber
Red coloured circled area shows the PID (process identifier)
Step 2
Then you execute this command after identify the PID.
taskkill /PID typeyourPIDhere /F
P.S. Run the first command again to check if process is still available or not. You'll get empty line if process is successfully ended.

How to read file from resources folder


Project Structure

Below image describe the folder structure used in this example.

Read file using ClassLoader.getResource().toURI()

In this example, we will use the ClassLoader reference of instance of class.
package com.howtodoinjava.demo;
import java.nio.file.Files;
public class ReadResourceFileDemo
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        String fileName = "config/sample.txt";
        ClassLoader classLoader = new ReadResourceFileDemo().getClass().getClassLoader();
        File file = new File(classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile());
        //File is found
        System.out.println("File Found : " + file.exists());
        //Read File Content
        String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()));
If you do not want to create any un-necessary instance of any class then you may utilize system classloader instance as below:
String fileName = "config/sample.txt";
// ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
File file = new File(classLoader.getResource(fileName).getFile());
//File is found
System.out.println("File Found : " + file.exists());
//Read File Content
String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()));
Program output is shown below.

File Found : true
Test Content

Read file using Spring’s ResourceUtils.getFile()

If your application happens to be spring based application then you may directly take advantage of ResourceUtils class.
File file = ResourceUtils.getFile("classpath:config/sample.txt")
//File is found
System.out.println("File Found : " + file.exists());
//Read File Content
String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()));
Program output is shown below.

File Found : true
Test Content
Happy Learning !!

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