Is it okay to use both fetchpriority="high" and loading="eager" in img tag?


Fetchpriority and loading serve different purposes and can still be used together in an img tag.

They may have similarity by definition in loading resources but they differ in terms of handling the resources.

  1. Fetchpriority - It is used to indicate that the resource should be fetched as soon as possible. It is handy when you want to guarantee that some resources load faster than others by prioritizing vital content for a better user experience.


  1. Loading - used to indicate that the resource should be immediately, without delaying the rendering of the rest of the page.

Overall, fetchpriority is concerned with the priority of fetching resources and loading is focused on the loading behavior of the resource.

By setting loading to eager, it will instruct the browser to immediately start fetching the resource.

URL prefix for posts WordPress

Go to Settings > Permalinks, choose "Custom Structure" and rewrite this field to "/blog/%postname%/". Your post will get /blog/ prefix, but your pages doesn't. I've tested it at Wordpress 5.2.2

Wordpress SQL: get post category and tags

As noted in the comments, I was including an aggregate function, but no "group by" clause.

Now this seems to work (just added the GROUP BY line):

FROM wp_posts p
JOIN wp_term_relationships cr
    on (p.`id`=cr.`object_id`)
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy ct
    on (ct.`term_taxonomy_id`=cr.`term_taxonomy_id`
    and ct.`taxonomy`='category')
JOIN wp_terms c on
JOIN wp_term_relationships tr
    on (p.`id`=tr.`object_id`)
JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tt
    on (tt.`term_taxonomy_id`=tr.`term_taxonomy_id`
    and tt.`taxonomy`='post_tag')
JOIN wp_terms t
    on (tt.`term_id`=t.`term_id`)

| post_id       | category | tags           |
| 213           | news     | tag1,tag2,tag3 |
| 216           | whatever | tag2,tag3      |

Thank you Strawberry!

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