ngx-translate: Translate strings in html


<label for="user-terms" [innerHTML]="'i-agree' | translate: {termLink: 'javascript:void(0)'}"></label>

This is how you can use parametric translation with filters:
// define translation with parameter
'TRANSLATION_KEY': '{{days}} days'

// use it in template
<span>{{ 'TRANSLATION_KEY' | translate: { days: followUpInDays | positiveNumber } }}</span>
If you want to have the whole sentence as a translation (including the HTML), you will need to use innerHTML property binding:
// define translation with parameter
'TRANSLATION_KEY': 'Follow-up is <span class="{{className}}">{{days}} days</span> past due'

// use it in template
<span *ngIf="Days < 0 && !shortSentence"
      [innerHTML]="'TRANSLATION_KEY' | translate: { className: (highlightContent ? 'font-bold' : ''), days: followUpInDays | positiveNumber }"> </span>

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