multiple URLs to the same route

Instead of using an anonymous function as the route's controller, you can give it a name and pass the name to router.get. You can then have several router.gets that points to the same function.

function slugController(req, res, next) {

  if (!req.params.slug) {
    req.params.slug = 'home'

  getData(slug, function(err, data){

    res.render('index', data)



router.get("/page-slug-name", slugController);
router.get("/page-slug-name/amp", slugController);
router.get("/", slugController);
router.get("/amp", slugController);

This works best if there only are a couple of routes.

If you have a ton of routes you have to use the regex stuff that's mentioned in the manual. I don't see any pattern in your URLs though, so it's a bit hard to come up with a good solution using regex.

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