Upgrade Gatsby Version on Gatsby Cloud


Occasionally you'll want to upgrade your gatsby version to take advantage of new features or recent bug fixes. This guide explains what you need to do to upgrade your gatsby version on Gatsby Cloud.

1. Update Dependencies

First specify the gatsby dependency version in your package.json file.

  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby": "^3.0.0"

2. Update Lock File

This step is only necessary if you commit a lock file to your remote repository. You'll need to run npm install or yarn install to update your package-lock.json or yarn.lock file to ensure your gatsby version is not locked to an earlier version than you intended.


3. Commit to Remote Repository

Finally, commit the updated package.json and lock file (if necessary) to your remote repository. After this, the next Gatsby Cloud will install the new gatsby version on the next build.


Checking Your Gatsby Version

You can see which version of gatsby is in use by viewing the Raw Logs for your build after performing the update.



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