CKEditor support style attributes

extraAllowedContent: '*[*]{*}(*)',

elements [attributes]{styles}(classes)
// A rule accepting <p> and <h1> elements, but without any property.
p h1

// A rule accepting <p> and <h1> elements with optional "left" and "right" classes.
// Note: Both elements may contain these classes, not only <h1>.
p h1(left,right)

// A rule accepting <p> and <h1> elements with all their attributes.
p h1[*]

// A rule accepting <p> and <h1> elements with all their attributes
// starting from 'data-'.
p h1[data-*]

// A rule accepting <a> only if it contains the "href" attribute.

// A rule accepting <img> with a required "src" attribute and an optional
// "alt" attribute plus optional "width" and "height" styles.

// The same as above, because the order of properties and their lists is irrelevant and white-spaces are ignored.
img { height, width } [ !src, alt ]
// Rules allowing:
// * <p> and <h1> elements with an optional "text-align" style,
// * <a> with a required "href" attribute,
// * <strong> and <em> elements,
// * <p> with an optional "tip" class (so <p> element may contain
//	a "text-align" style and a "tip" class at the same time).
p h1{text-align}; a[!href]; strong em; p(tip)

// Rules allowing:
// * <p> and <h1> elements with an optional "id" attribute,
// * <a> with a required "href" attribute and an optional "id" attribute.
p h1; a[!href]; *[id]

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