Use fetchpriority=high to load your LCP hero image sooner

Tip - Use fetchpriority=high to load your LCP hero image sooner

August 14, 2022

Tip: Add fetchpriority="high" to your Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) image to get it to load sooner. Priority Hints sped up Etsy’s LCP by 4% with some sites seeing an improvement of up to 20-30% in their lab tests. In many cases, fetchpriority should lead to a nice boost for LCP.

Etsy page loading much faster when using priority hints

Code snippets

Priority Hints let you adjust the priority of loading images, CSS, fonts, scripts, and iframes. You can do a lot more than just boost LCP images:

  • Lower the priority of preloaded scripts
  • Increase or lower the priority of late-body scripts
  • Provide priority differentiation on fetch calls (background activity vs user-interactive API calls)
  • and much more.
<!-- Increase the priority of this LCP hero image --> 
<img src="hero-image.jpg" fetchpriority="high" alt="Hero">

<!-- Decrease the priority for this above-the-fold image --> 
<img src="happy-cats.avif" fetchpriority="low" alt="Cat">

<!-- The third-party contents of this iframe load with a low priority --> 
<iframe src="" fetchpriority="low"></iframe>

// Trigger a fetch with low priority 
let suggestedContent = await fetch("/content/suggested", {priority: "low"}); 

// Scripts that are not critical can also be loaded with low-priority 
<script src="blocking_but_unimportant.js" fetchpriority="low"></script>

Further reading

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