Python: Arbitrary Arguments, Arbitrary Keyword Arguments

 Python Functions (

Arbitrary Arguments, *args

If you do not know how many arguments that will be passed into your function, add a * before the parameter name in the function definition.

This way the function will receive a tuple of arguments, and can access the items accordingly:


If the number of arguments is unknown, add a * before the parameter name:

def my_function(*kids):
  print("The youngest child is " + kids[2])

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Arbitrary Arguments are often shortened to *args in Python documentations.

Keyword Arguments

You can also send arguments with the key = value syntax.

This way the order of the arguments does not matter.


def my_function(child3, child2, child1):
  print("The youngest child is " + child3)

my_function(child1 = "Emil", child2 = "Tobias", child3 = "Linus")
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The phrase Keyword Arguments are often shortened to kwargs in Python documentations.

Arbitrary Keyword Arguments, **kwargs

If you do not know how many keyword arguments that will be passed into your function, add two asterisk: ** before the parameter name in the function definition.

This way the function will receive a dictionary of arguments, and can access the items accordingly:


If the number of keyword arguments is unknown, add a double ** before the parameter name:

def my_function(**kid):
  print("His last name is " + kid["lname"])

my_function(fname = "Tobias", lname = "Refsnes")
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Arbitrary Kword Arguments are often shortened to **kwargs in Python documentations.

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