zdmi icon size

 Material Design Iconic Font :: Examples (zavoloklom.github.io)

  1. <p><i class="zmdi zmdi-flower-alt zmdi-hc-lg"></i> zmdi-hc-lg</p>
  2. <p><i class="zmdi zmdi-flower-alt zmdi-hc-2x"></i> zmdi-hc-2x</p>
  3. <p><i class="zmdi zmdi-flower-alt zmdi-hc-3x"></i> zmdi-hc-3x</p>
  4. <p><i class="zmdi zmdi-flower-alt zmdi-hc-4x"></i> zmdi-hc-4x</p>
  5. <p><i class="zmdi zmdi-flower-alt zmdi-hc-5x"></i> zmdi-hc-5x</p>

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