Add User to wheel group in CentOS 7

 How to Add User to wheel group in CentOS 7 - e Learning (

Add User to wheel group using usermod command

In usermod command -G option use to specify the group that user wants be added.(if -a options is not used user will be removed from other groups he is already a member of).

usermod -a -G wheel username


usermod -a -G wheel jon

The above example will add the user jon to the CentOS 7 wheel group.

Add user to wheel group in CentOS 7 using gpasswd command

Command option -a use to add a user to group in gpasswd command.

gpasswd -a username wheel


gpasswd -a admin wheel

Above Example will add user admin to the CentOS 7 wheel group.

Remove user from wheel group in CentOS 7

The gpasswd command also use to remove a user from the wheel group. To remove a user we use -d option.


gpasswd -d admin wheel

Above Command will remove user admin from the wheel group.

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