How to mark read mails as unread in Postfix

 email - How to mark read mails as unread in Postfix - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

In our postfix server, the mail directories cur and new are under /home/<user>/Maildir. I don't have much of an experience with mail servers, but I am aware that new e-mails land in the new folder first, and once read, they get moved to the cur folder.

[root@imap01 cur]# ls | head -5,S,S,S,S,S
[root@imap01 cur]#pwd
[root@imap01 cur]#

The :2,S suffix is getting added to the files once they are moved to cur. Now my questions are:

  • How can I mark a read mail as unread through commandline?
  • Is it as simple as moving the mail from cur folder to new folder?
  • Is it as simple as removing the :2,S suffix from the mail files ?

Turns out that all we had to do was to combine the last 2 steps I had asked in the question.

Copy the e-mail file, (ie.,S) from /home/<user>/Maildir/cur to /home/<user>/Maildir/new and rename it by removing the :2,S suffix. This process marks the read mail as unread.

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