Configure automated certificate renewal

 Tutorial: Configure SSL/TLS on Amazon Linux 2 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Configure automated certificate renewal

Certbot is designed to become an invisible, error-resistant part of your server system. By default, it generates host certificates with a short, 90-day expiration time. If you have not configured your system to call the command automatically, you must re-run the certbot command manually before expiration. This procedure shows how to automate Certbot by setting up a cron job.

To automate Certbot

  1. Open the /etc/crontab file in a text editor, such as vim or nano, using sudo. Alternatively, use sudo crontab -e.

  2. Add a line similar to the following and save the file.

    39 1,13 * * * root certbot renew --no-self-upgrade

    Here is an explanation of each component:

    39 1,13 * * *

    Schedules a command to be run at 01:39 and 13:39 every day. The selected values are arbitrary, but the Certbot developers suggest running the command at least twice daily. This guarantees that any certificate found to be compromised is promptly revoked and replaced.


    The command runs with root permissions.

    certbot renew --no-self-upgrade

    The command to be run. The renew subcommand causes Certbot to check any previously obtained certificates and to renew those that are approaching expiration. The --no-self-upgrade flag prevents Certbot from upgrading itself without your intervention.

  3. Restart the cron daemon.

    [ec2-user ~]$ sudo systemctl restart crond

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